# Directory Structure

Running npx create-plainweb will create a starter project with the following structure:

├── Dockerfile
├── app
   ├── cli
   ├── components
   ├── config
   ├── root.tsx
   ├── routes
   ├── schema.ts
   ├── services
   └── styles.css
├── fly.toml
├── migrations
├── package.json
├── plainweb.config.ts
├── public
   └── output.css
├── tailwind.config.ts
└── tsconfig.json

# app

This directory contains the main application code and everything that doesn't need to be in the root.

# cli

One-off scripts that are aliased in package.json. This provides a low-overhead, simple convention for adding CLI entry points such as pnpm db:gen, pnpm run start, or pnpm run dev.

# components

Contains React-like components used in the application. While plainweb doesn't use React directly, it employs type-safe .tsx components that behave like server-side rendered React components.

# config

Houses configuration files, such as database connection strings and mailer settings.

# env.ts

Manages type-safe environment variables using zod and dotenv.

# root.tsx

The root layout used for all pages. It's a simple wrapper around the <html> tag where you can add global styles and scripts.

# routes

plainweb uses file-based routing with a convention similar to Next.js Pages Router. Routes are defined in .tsx files and are converted to express routes at startup.

# schema.ts

Type-safe drizzle database schema definitions.

# services

This directory is for your business logic. Often called features or utils in other frameworks, feel free to rename it as you see fit.

# styles.css

The input file for Tailwind CSS.

# tasks

Defines background tasks that are stored in the simple SQLite-based task queue.

# migrations

Running pnpm db:gen creates new migration files in this directory. Use pnpm db:apply to apply all migrations stored here.

# plainweb.config.ts

Contains the central plainweb configuration for the project.

import { env } from "app/config/env";
import middleware from "app/config/middleware";
import * as schema from "app/schema";
import { defineConfig } from "plainweb";

export default defineConfig({
  nodeEnv: env.NODE_ENV,
  http: {
    port: env.PORT ?? 3000,
    redirects: {
      "/docs/environmet-variables": "/docs/environment-variables",
      "/docs": "/docs/getting-started",
    staticPath: "/public",
  database: {
    dbUrl: env.DB_URL ?? "db.sqlite3",
    schema: schema,
    pragma: {
      journal_mode: "WAL",
  mail: {
    default: {
      host: env.SMTP_HOST,
      port: 587,
      secure: false,
      auth: {
        user: env.SMTP_USER,
        pass: env.SMTP_PASS,

# public

Stores static files that are served directly by the server.

# Other Files

  • Dockerfile: Used for containerizing the application.
  • fly.toml: Configuration file for deployment on Fly.io.
  • package.json: Defines project dependencies and scripts.
  • tailwind.config.ts: Configuration file for Tailwind CSS.
  • tsconfig.json: TypeScript compiler options and project settings.