# Deployment

Deploying plainweb means deploying a single long-running Node.js process.

# Providers

# Fly.io

plainweb ships with a fly.toml file that is ready to deploy to Fly.io.

  1. fly apps create -a <unique app name>
  2. edit fly.toml to set the app to
  3. fly deploy

Fly takes regular backups of volumes, but it's still a good idea to have Litestream for fine-grained backups.

# Docker

plainweb ships with a minimal Dockerfile so it can be deployed to any Docker-compatible host.

# Hetzner


# DigitalOcean


# Backups

Make sure to back up your SQLite database regularly. Litestream is a great tool for this.

# Compression

plainweb doesn't compress responses by default. The event loop is single-threaded and CPU intensive tasks such as compression can block the event loop, causing slow responses. This negates the benefits of compression for most use cases.

Use a CDN or a reverse proxy to compress responses.